yewkay UKStay Italy Trip

 Italy trip photos
Tower of Pisa
  You sure you are taking the photo correctly, why building is slanted.

  Standing in front of the gondola.

  Ruins of AD69.

  Overview of the entire Florence.

Rhine Valley
  Visit of the Rhine Valley in the summer.

  The professionals studying the art.

Italy Trip

   After the visit to Wales, we came back and repack our stuffs again. A few days later we were off for the Grand Tour of Italy.

  We took the coach to Dover, cross the sea to France and continued the journey to Brussels for the night stay. The next day, we crossed over to a small country - Luxembourg for a brief visit. By evening, we reached our hotel room in Switzerland. We got to see the typical Swiss houses and enjoy the nice weather and the scenery.

  The next day, we got to the city - to see the famous national monument and the colourful bridge which describe part of the bible history. Next destination is Lucerne - the sea-side town. We then crossed over to Italy for the night stay.

  First stop in Italy: Florence - at its highest place catching a glimpse of the entire Florence. Beside the viewing ground, stood the fake statue of Michael Angelo. We then explore the town. Church of Michael Angelo - the most famous church in Florence is a must to visit. But the queue is really too long and we decide to give up the idea. Next is the familiar bridge (seen in most travel magazine) is the bridge that house many shops selling jewellery and handbags. Soon, the tour guide gathered us for the visit to the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

  Next morning, we have a long journey to Sorrento. Along the way, we passed by many sunflower fields. We hopped onto the boat for a trip to Capri (a small island). Over there, we needed to take a tram to the higher part of the mountain where most of the houses and shops are located. We enjoyed the quiet beautiful scenery with the nature and the busy shopping district for the tourists.

  From Sorrento, we headed towards Rome. Along the way, we stopped by at the little city that was covered by mountain lava in AD69 - Pompeii. The place is simply awesome. We saw many ruins and figures and also their theatres and stadiums. By evening, we reached Rome. After dinner, we headed out on our own to the Vatican city and managed to find the largest church in the world. A sight not to be missed is the famous Tripoli's fountain.

  The next day, the tour guide bought us to the Colosumn. Few hundred years of masterpiece together with the Roman's clothing on display. From there, we stopped by to see the some of the ruins before heading to the platform to admire the overview of Rome.

  We had the rest of the afternoon for ourselves and decided to visit the Vatican church again to buy Vatican stamps. Our adventure trip began when we started hunting for the ruin sites that is available in the heart of Rome. Soon we returned back to the Trivali's fountain once more for the day shot followed by the visit to the train station.

  Next morning, we visited the Vatican church followed by the Michael Angelo church. Inside, it is really beautiful. Paintings all over and oven the ceiling.

  After early morning breakfast, we head toward the town of Assisi, for a look at the Assisi church, which was destroyed shortly after we returned back to Singapore. The last destination in Italy - Venice. It is the only town without cars and only boats. Again, there is a famous Venice church stood in front of the square. The unique thing about this church is that the floor is not even because the flood that caused damage to the church flooring. We lingered through the place on foot and by gondolas . Take another look of the Venice town.

  On the way back to England, we passed by the world tallest highway - in Austria, looking at the surrounding below and spent a short time in Innsbruck to admire the "Golden Roof". We also had a break at the Austria's mountain before heading to the Rhine Valley in Germany. The Rhine Valley in summer is so different from that in winter. We had a night stay in the small little town in France before heading to the Calais's port for the boat ride to Dover in England.

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[In Brussels]  [Luxembourg]  [Swiss hotel]  [Swiss house]  [national monument]  [colourful bridge]  [sea-side town]  [Florence Overview]  [Michael Angelo statue]  [Michael Angelo church]  [familiar bridge]  [tour guide]  [Tower of Pisa]  [sunflower field]  [Sorrento]  [Capri]  [mountain]  [beautiful scenery]  [ruins]  [figures]  [theatres]  [Vatican city]  [largest church]  [Trivoli;s fountain]  [Colosumn]  [Roman's clothing]  [masterpiece]  [ruins]  [Rome Overview]  [Vatican church]  [ruins site]  [Trivali's fountain]  [train station]  [Vatican church]  [Michael Angelo church]  [paintings]  [Town of Assisi]  [Assisi church]  [boats]  [Venice church]  [gondolas]  [Venice town]  [surrounding]  [Golden Roof]  [Austria's mountain]  [Rhine Valley scene]  [Rhine Valley in summer]  [small town]  [Calais's port
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